Monday, March 2, 2009

More surgery ahead but spirits are high!

Carrie' s spirits have been high. Yesterday she walked Randy through their bills and knew all account numbers and passwords. He was very impressed with her lucidness. Her eyes are still very swollen due to last weeks surgery. She had a pressure bandage change this morning and will have surgery tomorrow. Tomorrow they will remove a long small muscle and skin from her inner thigh and graph it to her right ankle bone. This will be a fairly long surgery and will need to be watched carefully following to make sure the blood flow maintains through the veins. The right eye socket surgery will come after this now.

Randy has been reading comments from the blog to Carrie as well as cards from Orofino Elementary. He wanted me to pass on the following message:

"I am overwhelmed by the support from our community, family, friends, and even strangers. It is just amazing, I will be forever grateful of the outpouring."

Keep up the prayers, love and support.


  1. WE love you Randy and Carrie! You are on our prayer lists.

    Orofino Adventurers 4H

  2. Carrie and Family,
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. I have been reading everyday see how you are. You are a very strong woman and a special one at that. Your husband sounds just as special.
    A person from Lewiston That Cares

  3. Carrie and Randy,
    My family has been thinking about you a great amount. We are so happy that Carrie is pushing through all of this, my mom, Michelle Pattan works with her, and she misses her smile, if you could pass that on, it would be great, she misses having her around :).... our prayers are with you both, and we love you.

    Kalli Pattan

  4. We will continue our prayers for this next surgery.. God is with you still! Our thoughts and prayers for the family! Let us know how we can help... the Upton's

  5. Randy, Carrie and family,

    Just want you to know I have a friend teacher in Deary who asked about you today - Annette Shaw. We all wish you the best in all our thoughts and prayers. We drove past your home on Friday and everything looked just right. Thanks for sending the rain from Seattle. Amanda is in Tacoma and sends her best wishes and prayers also. She said yes, it rains that much and if you don't find a starbucks to look up one floor or around the corner. Congratulations to Bo. Stay strong. The kids in my class ask about you often. Valerie Rose says hello and best wishes too. Love, Kelly, Mike, Amanda, Mitch, Kaitlyn Reggear

  6. Randy, Carrie, & family.
    Keep up the good work on your recovery Carrie! Continue to stay Strong! I am so glad that you are doing so well. My family and I are Praying for all! Hope the surgery goes well tomorrow. I know it will! We are very Thankful that God is helping you out so much with your recovery! Good Luck! God Bless! Lots of Love and Prayer
    Melissa Bowman &the rest of the Family!

  7. We Love You All Randy, Carrie and the rest of the Family!

  8. Randy & Carrie, we will be praying all day tomorrow; know that the Lord is in control and Carrie is such a strong person. We have all of Okmulgee praying for you all too!! See you soon, Love, Mom & Dad Brooks (Take care of that Teddy Bear Carrie, have you named it yet?)

  9. randy & carrie--hooray, hooray for carrie's high spirits which of course makes our spirits high too! i know that being of good cheer-one day at a time- works so keep being cheery! All these techniques about removing small muscles and skin and reconnecting them to other body parts is so out of my league. how grateful i am for a Heavenly Father who guides these good doctors to have the knowledge and expertise to perform these medical miracles. I think seattle is a very good place for you to be! My prayers will be with you "extra strength" tomorrow carrie-you are one strong woman!! Always know how much we all love you and your family. olivia

  10. Randy and Carrie,
    Just a quick note to say that Julie and I are praying for you every day. We hope that you have a quick and complete recovery. Take care and we will talk to you soon. Jim and Julie Church

  11. Great to hear more good news. I am so happy to hear that everything is going well and spirits are high. Keep on keeping on.

    -Andy Smith

  12. Randy and Carrie -

    You're both in my thoughts and prayers. Keep strong and think positive - and may God continue to bless you.

    Karel Wemhoff

  13. Randy and Carrie,

    Just a note to let you know that we are praying for Carrie and the rest of the family. I'll bet Carrie didn't realize just how many people she has impacted in her quiet, gentle way. :) When she is all healed up and back home, I'll make pasties and bring them up, Eh?

    Love and prayers,

    Kim and Rachel

  14. Randy & Carrie! Praise God once again, as a matter of fact I thank him every morning when I pray for what I know he is going to do for you that day (cause we know the battle is already won, right!) Keep your spirits up. We're all pulling for you. Love & Prayers!
    James & Valerie

  15. I think about you and pray for you every day. I am so thankful that things are going in the right direction.
    Love You, Dorinda
