Monday, March 9, 2009

Operation #9

Carrie will go in for operation number nine tomorrow for skin grafts. Her eye is still stitched shut but the doctors say it is in great shape. She is in great spirits and her and Randy are doing well!

Keep up the prayers, it is often said families need the most support weeks and even months after a crisis. Let's not let Carrie, Randy or the family down!


  1. Carrie & Randy our in our constant thoughts and in our daily prayes! We just have to keep focused on the battle already being won!
    Love James & Valerie

  2. We check the "We Care About Carrie" website daily and are thankful for the updates on Carrie and Randy. Just wanted to let you know we're thinking of you plus prayers and prayers and even more prayers!

  3. Randy & Carrie. Prayers already said for your surgery tomorrow. May God continue to heal you fast! He will be with you in that operating room, and Randy he will give you the peace and strength you need.Know that you are NOT alone.. Amen...

  4. Randy & Carrie,
    We are continuing to pray for you and the rest of the family! I know that the surgery will go great! It is amazing how well you are doing! We are so glad that you are doing so well! Keep up the great work on you recovery! Good Luck with the surgery tomorrow! We Love You Guys so Much! Lots of Love and Prayer!
    Melissa Bowman & the rest of the Family!

  5. We too check the We Care About Carrie blog daily and continue to think of you quite often. We look forward to the day you come home. We wish the best and will continue to pray for the whole Brooks family. Baseball games start this weekend and we will keep you posted. Everyone misses you around Orofino.

    Keep positive and we will keep the prayers coming.

    God Bless -

    Jeff & Lori Wright

  6. Randy and Carrie~
    Best wishes to you in tomorrow's surgery. We will be praying for you to do well and recover quickly. You will be great.
    Joe and Amy

  7. Keep up the good work you are such an inspiration to us all. We are always thinking of you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday and will always be,can't wait to see you guys. Carrie keep Randy in line we know he likes to get out of hand sometimes. Keep on smiling. Lots of Love the Haskett's

  8. The eyes of the Lord are on you, and with the surgeons!! Thanks to those who set up the blog site, eventhough we talk to Randy daily...thank you so very much!! Mom & Dad Brooks

  9. Dera Carrie and Randy,

    I think about you guys every day and give thanks and continued prayers for your recovery. I have found that being a patient patient is one of the hardest things I have had to do over the years. I am thinking Carrie might encounter the same problem. One day at a time seems to work ok, but I'm not gonna lie to you - its frustrating! Hang in there and know we are puling for you.

    Randy - Robert has the Troy LEAP all planned and under control. They may have to plow the road to get into the field site, as we have had quite a bit of snow the last 5 days or so. But hey, they're loggers - they'll figure it out! Love, the Barkleys

  10. Hi Carrie, You don't know us, but my husband and I were the EMT's that helped you out of the car. We have been following your recovery steps very closely and marvel at how God has prepared the way for your recovery. I say that because we saw what your feet and legs looked like. It truly has been a faith strengthening episode. I'm not limiting the surgeon's expertise, but I believe God directs every step and I also believe it's His intervention that is sustaining you. We are continuing to follow your daily progress and look forward to meeting you once again when you get back home. Until then, keep trusting and ARE a miracle! Les and Claudia Eaves, Clearwater County EMT's

  11. Randy and Carrie,
    Great to hear the good news. We think of you every day and are keeping up the prayers. Stay strong and we can't wait to see both of you soon.
    Jim and Julie Church
